COVID 19 Resources - Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Education and Research Center

COVID 19 Resources

The outbreak of COVID-19 is rapidly changing, creating a significant challenge for public health departments, schools, community organizations, agriculture, employers, workers and the overall public. MCOHS, in collaboration with our partners and other education and research centers, has compiled a list of resources to assist in addressing the COVID-19 outbreak.

This page will be updated with new and updated resources.



None at this time.


COVID-19 Conversations

American Public Health Association and the National Academy of Medicine

This webinar series will explore the state of the science surrounding the current outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States and globally, with a focus on the emerging evidence on how to best mitigate its impact. Hear from trusted experts in such fields as public health, infectious disease, risk communication, and crisis standards of care.

Occupational Health Measures in Preparedness and Response to COVID-19 at the Workplace


This webinar by the International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC) provides an overview of WHO’s recommendations for preparedness and response to COVID-19 at the workplace, as well as perspectives from the United States and the corporate private sector.

What Ag Producers Need to Know About COVID-19

AgriSafe Network

Coronavirus has gained attention worldwide as an emerging infectious disease. This webinar is intended to share evidence-based information about COVID-19 and to help agricultural producers identify strategies for responding on their farm.

Registration required to view the recorded webinar.

Protecting Health Care Workers - Lessons From Taiwan and Italy


There are many unanswered questions related to protecting health care workers, including personal protective equipment (PPE), screening, return to work, cleaning surfaces and equipment, etc. In this webinar, two occupational and environmental medicine professors from Taiwan and Italy discuss PPE, the number infected, and what has worked and not worked.

Protecting Health Care Workers - Epidemiology, Virology, and Occupational Health Practice


In this webinar, speakers will describe current knowledge about the epidemiology, treatment, and virology of COVID, followed by recommendations for best practices for occupational health providers. Also, an attending physician with recently occupationally acquired COVID infection will describe her own experience with the disease.

Transportation Workers - Impact of Emergency Declarations and Other Occupational Health Issues


Truck drivers and other transportation workers have been identified as essential critical infrastructure workers, and they face unique challenges. Dr. Natalie Hartenbaum, co-chair of ACOEM’s Transportation Section, will discuss the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic by those in the transportation industry with a focus on truck drivers.

Protecting Health Care Workers – Reuse and Decontamination of N95 Respirators


In this webinar, the speakers will review the NIOSH/CDC guidance on decontamination of FFRs, elastomeric respirators, PAPRs, and covering a respirator with a surgical mask, followed by a discussion of studies on and systems for the decontamination of N95s.

Protecting Workers in the Service Industry During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Labor Occupational Health Program, UC Berkeley

Restaurant, grocery, retail, janitorial, delivery, childcare workers and others may be exposed as they interact with many people and spaces. This webinar provides information on how workers may be at risk, ways to stay protected, what employers must do, and workers’ rights to a safe workplace.

Cómo Proteger a los Trabajadores en las Industrias de Servicios Públicos Durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus

Los trabajadores en restaurantes, supermercados y otras tiendas, servicios de entrega, cuidado de niños, limpieza y otros pueden estar expuestos al estar en contacto con muchas personas y espacios. Este entrenamiento virtual dará información sobre cómo podrían estar en riesgo, cómo protegerse y sus derechos a tener un trabajo seguro.

Work in the time of COVID-19: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Their Families

Migrant Clinicians Network

Many migrant and immigrant workers have very little choice but to keep working, increasing their vulnerability. In this webinar, the presenters discuss strategies and resources to help workers best protect themselves and their families.


Best Practices for COVID-19: Telemedicine


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a sharp rise in the use of telehealth to deliver medical services. This webinar discusses best practices for telemedicine, recent changes in both telehealth rules and in the pattern of use, with a focus on occupational medicine impacts. A real-life example of telehealth use in an occupational health setting will be presented, including problems encountered and suggested solutions.

COVID19-Serology and Return to Work


Leaders have suggested that serologic tests can identify workers who are immune to COVID-19 and would be allowed to work.  The presenters will discuss basic serology issues, the pattern of serologic changes over time during the 2003 SARS epidemic, the quality of currently available serologic tests for COVID-19, and the pattern of serologic test results among health care workers in The Netherlands and Italy.

Update: Serology and Return to Work


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every business and there are many unanswered occupational health questions related to monitoring the COVID-19 health status of workers in order to guide return to work decisions.

This webinar highlights study findings comparing sensitivity and specificity across 12 different serologic tests, a national strategy for serologic testing, and application of serologic tests on return to work issues.


How to Handwash with Soap and Water

How to Handwash with Soap and Water (Somali)

Importance of vaccination for EMS and Fire

CDC COVID-19 Playlist


COVID-19 Training Resources

NIEHS Worker Training Program (WTP)

The NIEHS Worker Training Program (WTP) has been tracking information about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as it pertains to protecting workers involved in emergency response and cleanup activities performed in the United States. This page contains health and safety resources for workers who may be at risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH)

This FREE course was compiled by the University of Utah’s Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH) using multiple sources and expert opinion. It will be updated as the epidemic progresses/recedes and information becomes better known.

Interim NIOSH Training for Emergency Responders: Reducing Risks Associated with Long Work Hours

Emergency responders are working much longer shifts than usual to deal with COVID-19. Some are working 16-hour shifts leading to a lack of sleep that will depress immune systems and make them more vulnerable to the virus. NIOSH developed this 30-minute online training during the Ebola crisis to help reduce risks associated with long work hours.

Principles of Disaster Preparedness & Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Global Health - University of Minnesota Department of Medicine

This free course has been designed to help you understand infectious disease outbreaks and control. While it was crafted in response to (and during) the COVID-19 pandemic, it does not contain COVID-19 specific lectures, as all lectures predate this pandemic, dating from 2015-2019.







  • COVID-19  – Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection