Occupational Injury Prevention (OIP) - Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Education and Research Center

Occupational Injury Prevention (OIP)

Hyun Kim, ScD, Director
Bruce Alexander, PhD, Co-Director

Occupational Injury Prevention (OIP), in concert with programs in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing, and Industrial Hygiene, among others, is part of the nationally funded Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety. This program provides a multifaceted and interdisciplinary approach to advanced academic and research training, with a primary goal to prevent and control occupational injuries.

Students will be engaged in course work and research in the general realm of injury epidemiology and control. Some examples of past and current research efforts, both epidemiological/surveillance and clinical investigations, have included agricultural trauma, low-back injury, repetitive motion trauma, health practices and injuries in the workplace, work-related amputations, transportation-related injuries, and work-related violence. Integral to these efforts is a basic understanding of dynamic interactions among the agents/energies (mechanical, chemical, thermal, electrical, radiation, etc.) and the hosts/worker populations within the environment.

The degree provided from this program is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Health. Learn more about the degree.

View OIP specific program information about:


Starr Sage: Scholarship Recipient

My Life: Deirdre Green


A major benefit of this program is the availability of financial support to cover eligible student tuition and fees through a training grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This financial support is determined annually based on federal budget appropriations. In addition, other funding sources may be available.