12:00pm - 3:00pm
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant rise in burnout in our frontline health care workers. The resulting risks to our workforce include an increase in stress and mental health issues, workplace violence, and racial disparities. This dramatic increase in stressors on our health care workers also has a significant impact on health equity and access to care.
Join us Thursday, May 5 @ 12pm Central for the NORA Online Symposium as we discuss the health and safety impacts of COVID-19 on our health care workforce.
This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Lotte Dyrbye, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty and Chief Well-being Officer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dr. Dyrbye’s presentation, “Strategies to Address Burnout Among Clinicians” will include up-to-date information on the prevalence of burnout and potential contributors, describe the consequences of burnout, and identify individual as well as organizational strategies to enhance clinician well-being.
Following Dr. Dyrbye’s presentation, a panel of experts representing various sectors of healthcare will discuss the wide range of impacts of COVID-19, including workplace violence, health equity, and rural healthcare. This panel presentation will include an opportunity for participants to engage in the discussion via a live Q&A session.
The symposium will begin with a virtual poster session on occupational health and safety research by MCOHS- and UMASH-sponsored students and partners.