Occupational Health Services Research and Policy (OHSRP) - Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Education and Research Center

Occupational Health Services Research and Policy (OHSRP)

Please Note: The OHSRP Program is no longer accepting applicants.


Pat McGovern, PhD, and Bryan Dowd, PhD –  Program Co-Directors

The Occupational Health Services Research and Policy (OHSRP) training program is an innovative collaboration between the Division of Environmental Health Sciences (EnHS), and the Division of Health Policy and Management (HPM) in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota. The program prepares researchers that will help meet the demand for more rigorous evaluation of workplace policies and programs designed to reduce the nation’s burden of occupational illness and injury and to protect and promote the well-bring of the American workforce.

The degree provided from this program is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in either Environmental Health or Health Policy and Management. Learn more about the degree.

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A major benefit of this program is the availability of financial support to cover eligible student tuition and fees through a training grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This financial support is determined annually based on federal budget appropriations. In addition, other funding sources may be available.