Gerberich SG,
Nachreiner NM,
Ryan AD,
Church TR,
McGovern PM, Geisser MS, Watt GD,
Feda DM,
Pinder E,
Sage SK: [2011] Violence against educators: Magnitude and etiology, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 53(3):294-302. [NIOSH-funded research; SGG: PhD Thesis Advisor for DMF, EP, and SKS]
Gerberich SG, Nachreiner NM, Ryan AD, Church TR, McGovern PM, Geisser MS, Watt GD, Feda DM, Pinder E, Sage SK: [2011] Violence against educators: A population-based study. Erratum Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 53(5):585. [NIOSH-funded research; SGG: PhD Thesis Advisor for DMF, EP, and SKS]
Gerberich SG, Nachreiner NM, Ryan AD, Church TR, McGovern PM, Geisser MS, Watt GD, Feda DM, Pinder E, Sage SK: [2014] Case-control study of student-perpetrated physical violence against educators, Annals of Epidemiology (5):325-332. [SGG: PhD Thesis Advisor for DMF, EP, and SKS]
Nachreiner NM, Gerberich SG, Ryan AD, Erkal S, McGovern PM, Church TR, Mongin SJ, Feda DM: [2012] Risk of physical assault against school educators with histories of occupational and other violence: A case-control study, WORK: A Journal for Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 42:39-46 [SGG: Mentor for SE; PhD Thesis Advisor for DMF; NIOSH-funded research]
Williams QL, Jr., Alexander BH, Gerberich SG, Nachreiner NM, Church TR, Ryan AD: [2010] Bystander injury evaluation of children from Midwestern agricultural operations, Journal of Safety Research 41(1):31-37. [BHA: PhD Thesis Advisor for QLW; SGG: PhD Ad-Hoc Advisor for QLW; NIOSH-funded research]
Williams QL Jr., Alexander BH, Gerberich SG, Ryan AD: [2010] Child bystanding: A risk factor for injury and identifying its determinants on Midwestern agricultural operations, Accident Analysis and Prevention 42(1):10-18. [SGG: Grant PI and Committee Member for QLW; Best Paper Award, Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, American Public Health Association; NIOSH-funded research]
Wei C, Gerberich SG, Nachreiner NM, Alexander BH, Ryan AD, Mongin SJ: [2013] Work-related violence against educators in Minnesota: Rates and risks based on hours exposed, Journal of Safety Research. 44:73-85. [SGG: CW PhD Thesis Advisor; NIOSH funded RO1 Research]